What's more important in poetry?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Amazing Ed Hirsch Quotes from his Reading at CSULB, 3.16

First off, you need to check out his new book, New and Selected Poems called The Living Fire. It is completely amazing and please share your thoughts on it. Have a favorite in the book, let us know!

"Judaism takes me historically backward while America takes me historically forward and I am somewhere in those crossroads."

"The reader's body is the medium of the art."

"Poems exist in the contact with the reader."

"Poems exist between the poet, the poem, and the reader."

"Poets write because they have been so deeply affected by a poem that they want to respond."

"A poet is a maker."

"I experienced something in literature before I experienced it in life."

"Poets dwell in a world of uncertainty."

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